The LARGEST Collection of its kind in the World... Finally Uncovered
- Hundreds of pieces of Framed and Unframed Criminal Art
- Serial Killer Artifacts and Clothing
- 9,000 Signed Letters (with over 20
Pogo The Clown
Rubble, Branch Davidian
Compound, Wako
Poem and Handprint
Prison Artifacts, Detention Letters, Parole Documents, Execution Orders
Handwritten Letters: Susan Smith, Richard Angelo, Robert Bardo, David Berkowitz
H.S. Yearbooks: Dahmer, Oswald, Menendez to name just a few
Kenneth Bianchi (Peronal Copy), Jeffrey Dahmer, John Hinckley, Kato Kaelin, Monica Lewiinsky, Erek Menendez, Lee Oswald, Joel Rifkin, Jason Simpson (Personal Copy), Susan Vaughn Smith, Becky Powell Wilcox (Personal Copy).
Bardo - Bianchi - Bonin - Calihan - Coffman - Coleman - Ducker - Evans -
Falling - Foster - Gacy - Grasso - Grooms - Manson - Olsen Perillo - Ramierz - Saldivar - Shawcross - Ross (knife dealer re. Simpson) - Smith - Wallace - Williams - Woodfield.
Inmate Clothing
Susan Smith t-shirt and panties - Christopher Scarver 2 piece jump suit - Carlson t-shirt and shorts - Lana grooms lace bra and panties - Heidi Fleiss signed panties.
Ted Bundy' (shaved at the time of execution) - Priscilla Ford - Lafonda Fay Foster - John Wayne Gacy - Charles Manson - Shonda Johnson.
Ted Bundy paint chip from his death row cell - Charles Manson signed Spiderman Comics - Jack Ruby tuxedo shirt - Christopher Scarver jump suit - John Wayne Gacy signed True Crime card - Richard Ramirez signed True crime card - Handwritten/signed letter by Robert Stroud, The Birdman of Alcatraz - Heavens Gate Bunk Bed.
Randy Woodfield carved image
of Manson in leather craft
Signed check by "The Godfather"
Carlo Gambino
2 foot x 6 foot Nazi
podium banner
Red bunk bed from Heaven's Gate. One of only several known to exist. 39 people committed suicide and were discovered on bunk beds
Signed photo by M. Nick McDonald, the police officer who captured Lee Harvey Oswald. McDonald holding Oswald's gun
Pencil art by Joel Rifkin aka Joel The Ripper, 17 victims in NYC and Long Island
Letters, Drawings, and Trial Documents
22 years and 425 letters of personal communication received from David Berkowitz, The Son of Sam
Albert, Marv Angelo, Richard Atkins, Susan Barbo, Robert Berkowitz, David Bianchi, Kenneth Biggs, Ronnie Bittaker, Lawrence Bobbit, John Wayne Bonanno, Rosalie and Bill Bonin, William (Bill) Bordon, Lizzie Britt, Eugene Brown, James Brudos, Jerome Buenoano, Judy Bundy, Ted Buttafuoco, Joey Calihan, Kenny Capone, Alphonse Capote, Truman Carlson, James Carruth, Rae Carter, Rosalyn Caudill, Jenny Chandler, Oba Chapman, David Clark, Douglas Coffman, Cynthia Coleman, Alton Cooper, Dana Corona, Juan Cowlings, Al Cunanan, Andrew Dahmer, Jeffrey Davis, Richard Allen DelaBeckwith, Byron Downs, Diane Ducker, Jennie Echlos, Damien Evans, Donald Leroy Falling, Christine Fleiss, Heidi Ford, Priscilla Foster, Lafonda Fay Francois, Kendall Fromme, Lynette Gacy, John Wayne Gambino, Carlo Gaxiola, Michael Gissendaner, Kelly Goetz, Bernard Gonzalez, Julio Good, Sandra Gooden, Dwight Gore, David Gotti, John Jr Gotti, John Sr Graham, Harrison Grasso, Thomas Grooms, Lana Hansen, Marla Hansen, Robert Harris, Jean Hearst, Patricia Heavens Gate Heirens, William Helmsley, Leona Henley, Jr., Elmer Wayne Herman, PeeWee (Paul Reubens) Hinckley, John Hitler, Adolf Hoover, J. Edgar Hunt, Deidre Hunter, Roger Jackson, Jessie Jesperson, Keith Johnson, Milton Johnson, Shonda Jones, Jim Karpis, Alvin Kellin, Brian (Kato) Kemper, Edmund Kerrigan, Nancy Kersee, Charity Kevorkian, Jack King, Eric John Kipp, Martin Koon, Stacey Koresh, David Kuby, Ron La Vey, Anton Lansky, Meyer Larzelere, Virginia Levelle, James Lewinsky, Monica Lewis, Ray Lima, Carolyn Lioy, Doreen Lockhart, Michael Long, Robert Lucas, Henry Lee Mac, Kwan Fai Mack, Jimmie Manson, Charles McDonald, Nick McDuff, Kenneth McLain, Denny Menendez, Erik Menendez, Lyle Miley, Greg Monro, James Moore, Blanche Nazi flag /memorabilia Neelley, Judith Norris, Roy NY Times plate NYS Dept Correction Olson, Clifford Robert Oswald, Lee Harvey Perillo, Pamela Peterson, Scott Piccirillo, John Pike, Christa Polanski, Roman Prante, John Prison fingerprint cards Pritchard, Hank Puente, Dorothea Putt, George Ramirez, Richard Rathbun, Charles Ray, James Earl Rifkin, Joel Rippey, Hope Rivera, Vincent Rogers, Dayton Rogers, Glen Rolling, Danny Routier, Darlie Ruby, Jack Salazar, J Saldivar, Yolanda Samuels, Tanya Sanchez, Dolores Scarver, Christopher Schaeffer, Gerard Seda, Heriberto Selena Serial killer calendar Shaprton, Al Shawcross, Arthur Shulman, Robert Simpson, Jason Simpson, O.J. Sing Sing Prison Sirhan, Sirhan Smart, Pamela Smith, Susan Smith, Tony Solomon, Morris Stano, Gerald Strohmeyer, Jeremy Stroud, Robert Thomas, Charles Toole, Ottis Tucker, Karla Faye Vaughn, Susan (Smith, Susan) Vega, Juan Vernon, Michael Vertucci, M. Votruba, Frank Wallace, Henry Louis Watson, Charles Tex Watts, Coral Wilcox, Phyllis Williams, Wayne Wilson, Tom Woodfield, Randall Zook, Phyllis (Becky Powell)
There is an average of 20 serial killers/year in the U.S. Ten are caught and 10 remain on the loose. Each of them murder an average of 10 people resulting in 200 serial killer related murders/year. Dr. Jack Levin, Criminologist, Northeastern University, Boston.
By studying the artifacts, letters and art of yesterday's serial killers, we can better understand the past with the hope of having a productive impact on the future.
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